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Direct Mail
Get the right message delivered —right to those who need to see it.

Year in, year out, direct mail has proven to be one of the most effective ways to reach a targeted audience. However, there are a lot of things to consider.  Is your mailing list clean? Are you aware of the latest postal regulations? Who will assemble, seal and address the pieces? LSC Mail Marketing has it all under control.

As an industry-recognized list broker, we have access to over 50,000 lists, selectable by just about every demographic imaginable. 

Then we will make sure your piece is assembled just the way you want it to be — even if it requires delicate handwork. Finally, we’ll get it in the mail and on the way to your target audience in an efficient manner that minimizes postage and delivery delays. Are you just starting the marketing process and in the dark about what type of piece to mail? Our creative partners and production staff will help you design a piece with maximum impact.

In This Section

Direct Mail

Mailing Lists

Mail Production


Data Services


EDDM Myths



711 Bond Avenue | Little Rock, AR 72202 | Phone: (501) 374-7676 | Fax: (501) 374-4466